PTR website that I will bring to you is Just prepare your data, Email, online account – e.g :paypal – and the best website you have, the indicator of it is Pagerank, Alexarank and Contents of your website. Many times the advertiser – that will give you money when they put ads/jobs in your website – will give some conditions of your blog/website. Two of them are: 1. You must have primary domain – not free domain as, – and 2. Rank of Alexa and Google must be fulfill their conditions. Other condition you can read on Terms Of Service (TOS).
Please you can click this
Link, and read TOS (term of service), F.A.Q too.
When you have signed-up and registered as a member (blogger/publisher) you can find the jobs, in this good website. Click BLOGGER (next to your login name). And click FIND OPPORTUNITIES. And don’t forget to check a check box, ….Notify me about new opportunities. Then the list of jobs will appear, you can choose the best possibility and matching with your blog/website, in this case the job and your website/blog contents/theme must be related. The will send you emails. You can make a bid or cancel it. When you bid is approved, you must do what advertiser order to you, such as: make a posting in your website about the advertiser company and make an anchor/link refers to advertiser link that mentioned, rolling preview only, make promotion their website,…etc.
When you job is done, you get the payment. You can read in the F.A.Q of, but I will post the general of them only :
1. Payment is sent every two weeks thats 1st and 15th of every month.
2. charges only 30% which means you get 70% from each review. This is the highest in industry.
3.Transfered via PAYPAL.
4. Payment is sent automatically after every 15 days, please check your Tips & Alerts section on your account homepage for payout updates
Please join this good earning money website,…..
Just click. This Logo.
Saya bisa kasih link bila JOB dari sudah diterima....
Bang sofwan terima kasih linknya
jika anda telah mendaftarkan blog anda maka anda menunggu sekitar kurang lebih 72 jam untuk approval - diterima atau tidak tergantung admin - nah ini ada saran dari admin yang saya copas:
ReplyDeleteIf you wish to make changes to the blog entry, please log on to your account and edit.
A few tips to sell reviews faster.
1. Register in the right category
2. Don’t set the price too high or advertisers would look for other options
3. Explain about your blog in a short but comprehensive way.
4. Tell about your writing skills.
5. Fast response to queries would bring in more sales.
More tips are added from time to time to your control panel.
Contact us if you do not receive your blog status mail within next 72 hrs.
silahkan kunjungi blog saya di ALQ-G